The Emery County Business Chamber is planning its March Lunch and Learn meeting. It will be held on March 15 at noon at the Museum of the San Rafael. The featured speaker for this lunch will be Alan Christensen who is an expert on marketing your business on the web and making sure your business has a web presence and email.
Mike McCandless, Emery County Economic Development Director spoke at the previous Lunch and Learn, he gave an update on economic development in Emery County. He has been working with Blue Castle Holdings on the proposed nuclear power plant near Green River. McCandless spoke of the rural fast track grant program. These grants can be used by an established business to expand; the business must be in business for two years and show they are turning a profit. One million dollars has been put into local businesses in rural Utah through the program.
McCandless said Emery County cannot rely on what we've done in the past. We can't always rely on coal. We need to think of things outside of the energy realm. McCandless said they work to match the resources available with the entrepreneurs. Everybody wins when there is a successful business in the county. It brings in tax dollars. It provides shopping opportunities. We want to help businesses get a leg up and get them going." McCandless outlined the film projects which used Emery County as a backdrop. Star Trek, 127 hours, TJ Maxx and others. "The film industry is a nice industry. It's low impact. We are doing a lot of things to promote Emery County including a spot on Delta airlines. We are here to promote you and we play a support role. We want to help people succeed," said McCandless.
The next Lunch and Learn for the Emery County Business Chamber will be on March 15 at noon at the Museum of the San Rafael. Call the Emery County Progress at 381-2431 to reserve your spot. The luncheon is $12 and will be catered by Kent Wilson at BKs.